Thursday, April 29, 2010

ware jewelry store - cw

Just a quick footnote on the new website: I learned a little about photography and practiced photographing the work on glass! The pictures are more three dimensional and show the work a little better than my old method! Always something to learn!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The other day I was teaching art class and had taken in several of the "CRUSH" series for a friend to look at for a birthday present for her daughter. Many of the kids were intrigued, but my favorite was an exchange between two boys. One said, loosely quoted, "I love these, how much are they? I want one, I need to get it on my Christmas list." The other said, loosely quoted, "$40.00 for a can?" And there you have it!

Saturday, January 16, 2010


Photos of some of the recent additions to "CRUSH," the recycled jewelry project by me, Carol Ware. I am experimenting with more colors, shapes and soon textures! Right now, these pieces are in square tubes, cylinders, flat squares and small and large discs. The variety of colors is from the cans. My current fave is the Pellogrino Limonata. The yellows and blues from the cans remind me of atlas pages which I love. Also fun are the Coke Zeros because they are black on a black neckwire-if only I were going somewhere in a little black dress rather than the usual grungy black t-shirt.